C O M P A N Y N A M E & B R A N D C O N C E P T U A L I Z A T I O N
~ Ellen E Brock, CGD
Certified Graphic Designer of the Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC)
“Selecting a company name is a process and an art in and of itself!” ~ Ellen E Brock
“Brand Conceptualization is a stream of consciousness process to identify symbols, meaning, and vision.” ~ Ellen E Brock
“The creation of brilliant, creative, meaningful, branding and design.
An opportunity to create your uniqueness in the market place
–personally and professionally!” ~ Ellen E Brock
“Successful branding requires faith in the branding development process
–and trusting in, and respecting, your designer’s knowledge, experience, and guidance.
It involves an investment of time and is an unfolding process–enjoy the journey!” ~ Ellen E Brock*
“Any damn fool can put on a deal, but it takes genius, faith and perseverance to create a brand.” ~ David Ogilvy
“To [clients]: Do not compete with your [designer] in the creative area. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?” ** ~ David Ogilvy
Your designer has many years of experience and education in branding, marketing, and design. This experience and education gives the designer a unique skill set and perspective–very different from the experiences of the client, and the expertise of the client. The client hires an expert in branding, marketing, and design–and is paying for the uniqueness of that specific designer.
~ Ellen E Brock has been designing since 1990, and has a BFA degree from the Alberta College of Art & Design, (1990 diploma; 1996 BFA, status adjustment). She holds the professional designation of CGD, Certified Graphic Designer, from the Graphic Designers of Canada (2002).
~ The principles of light, line, texture, colour, and composition in design, are the same principles of light, line, texture, colour, and composition in photography. Ellen E Brock says if there was a photography designation for the type of portraits she creates, she would most certainly acquire that designation, having studied photography, and loved photography, creating soul photographs–since she was 17 years old. Thus the reason she created a new photography designation: The Enlightened Photographers™ to inspire photographers to look more deeply into their client’s soul, and to inspire clients to expect more from their photographer–illuminating the soul in a photograph!
* Ellen E Brock wrote her quote referring to faith, prior to reading David Ogilvy’s quote referring to faith. She’s impressed that David, the leading advertising and branding expert, refers to faith!
** “To advertisers: Do not compete with your agency in the creative area. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?” ~ David Ogilvy, founder of Ogilvy & Mather Advertising.
• Confessions of an Advertising Man © 1963 © 2012
• Ogilvy on Advertising © 1988 © 2007
• The Unpublished David Ogilvy © 2013