
T  H  E     E  R  A     o  f     P  H  O  T  O  G  R  A  P  H  Y     E  N  L  I  G  H  T  E  N  M  E  N  T

A global movement away from superficial photography.” ~ Ellen E Brock


~ Photographers who have never considered the nature of Soul in their portraits

–or within their clients–

begin to look deeper at themselves and deeper into their clients,

opening a new dialogue about the value of their work,

and contemplating Soul in photography for the first time.


~ Clients who have never thought to seek a photographer who is focused on Soul,

begin to be motivated to seek a photographer who is focusing on Soul in their photography & portraits.


~ Soul is a mysterious qualitysomething first felt, seen, experiencedin silence.


~ Ellen E Brock
